The Human body is amazing.
1. For every pound of fat gained, you add seven miles of new blood vessels.

2. Muscle tissue is three times more efficient at burning calories than fat.

3. You are taller in the morning than in the evening.

4. Your stomach manufactures a new lining every three days to avoid digesting itself.

5. Your body produces enough heat in only thirty minutes to boil a half-gallon of water.

6. Human bone is as strong as granite, relative to supporting resistance.

7. By the age of eighteen your brain stops growing.

8. You need to consume a quart of water each day for four months to equate to the amount of blood your heart pumps in one hour.

9. A person will die from lack of sleep sooner than they will from starvation, which usually takes a few weeks.

10. There are approximately 60,000 km of blood vessels in the human body.

11. Each person sheds 22 kilograms of skin in his or her lifetime.

12. More germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.

13. Your heart beats 100 000 times a day.

14. A foetus only acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.

15. Guys are more likely than girls (by a ratio of 3-to-2) to have bad acne.

16. We share 98.4% of our DNA with a chimp - and 70% with a slug.

17. Human foetuses react to loud rock music by kicking.

18. If you remove the minerals from a bone by soaking it overnight in a six percent solution of hydrochloric acid, it will become so soft, you could tie it in a knot.

19. One person in 20 has an extra rib, and they are most often men.

20. The average person has about 100, 000 scalp hairs.

21. When you look at an object, the image of that object appears upside down on your retina. However, your brain automatically corrects for this, allowing you to perceive the object the right side up.

22. Enamel, found on our teeth, is the hardest substance in the human body.

23. The soles of your feet contain more sweat glands and more pressure-sensitive nerve endings per square inch than any other part of your body.

24. Like fingerprints, every person has a unique tongue print.

25. The kidneys filter your blood up to 300 times per day.

26. During the first six weeks of life, there is no difference between the male and female embryo.

27. Human fingers stretch and bend about 25 million times in a normal lifetime.

28. The human body contains 30 000 billion red blood cells.

29. With the 60,000 miles of blood vessels inside the average human body, you could circumnavigate Earth two and a half times

30. When you blush, the lining of your stomach blushes too.

31. It can take your finger and toenails 1/2 a year to grow an entirely new nail (from base to tip).

32. Everyone has a completely unique smell (except for twins).

33. The human brain can read up to 1,000 words per minute.

11/1/2015 | |